HTML : Web Design

DOs... Don't...
Learn from existing web pages by reviewing their source Repeat mistakes of most Web sites such as missing links, pages "under construction", improper HTML
Save HTML in files with the extension .html or .htm (for DOS based systems) Place HTML in files with other extensions (e.g. filename.txt)
Follow the format of a Basic Structure of a HTML page Leave out HTML Tags: <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>, </TITLE>, </HEAD>, <BODY>, </BODY>, </HTML>
All Document information belongs in the <HEAD> </HEAD> section
All style sheets go in the <HEAD> </HEAD> section
ALWAYS close "open" tags that have corresponding "close" tags <H1> some text
ALWAYS close tags in the order they were opened.
<P><H1>some text</H1></P>
<P><H1>some text</P></H1>
Keep images and other downloaded compondents small in size and limited in number
Limit the text length of a single web page to avoid overwhelming users
Limit the number of style changes such as color, font size, centering, and data content made in the web page
Make the web site (collection of web documents) related in a logical fashin
  1. Hierarchical
  2. Linear
  3. Non-Linear, but centered around a small core set of "home", "help", etc pages that exist as links from every single site
Expect the web to advance incredibly fast, but realize that most users will not support cutting edge or non-standardized technology or language versions

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