Genealogical Research has been a fascinating experience. I have come to realize
that this type of research is time consuming and does have some minor
costs, but you do get to met a lot of
friendly people. I would like to take this time
to thank every one that has helped me collect and compile and verify the information
that I have. Especially Kathyrn Mary (Covelli) Stratton and Susan Christine Mehl for
providing their research to me. 2003 contributors have been Edwin Svikhart and
Florence Cahill. 2005 contributors have been Julie Null and Laura Linden Freeman. And a
significate part of the Italian information came from a
web site
about the Marano region of Italy. With
time all the information I have will be presented within these pages. Family Information
has been
password protected per request of living family members. If you would like to obtain the password,
Please email me.